Intended parent

Identified Gamete Donors

In the past, it was common for intended parents to use anonymous gamete donors (sperm or eggs) when they were unable to conceive on their own. However, there are now many benefits to using identified gamete donors. 

Legal Protection

When an anonymous gamete donor is used, there is no way to guarantee that the donor will not seek parental rights in the future. This can be a major concern for intended parents, who want to be sure that they will be the legal parents of their child. With an identified gamete donor, the donor will sign a legal contract relinquishing all parental rights. 

Medical Information

When an anonymous gamete donor is used, intended parents may not be able to obtain any medical information about the donor. This can be a concern for intended parents, who want to know about the donor’s medical history so that they can better understand their child’s potential health risks. With an identified gamete donor, intended parents can obtain medical information about the donor, which can help them make informed decisions about their child’s health care.

Psychological Benefits

Some intended parents feel that it is important for their child to know who their biological parents are. This can be especially important for children who are conceived through assisted reproductive technologies (ART), as they may feel different from other children who were conceived naturally. With an identified gamete donor, intended parents can provide their child with information about the donor, which can help the child to feel more connected to their genetic heritage.

Peace of Mind

Using an identified gamete donor can provide intended parents with peace of mind knowing that they have made the best decision for their family. By working with a reputable agency or clinic, intended parents can be sure that they are working with donors who have been carefully screened and who meet the highest standards of quality. 

If you are considering using gamete donation, talk to your doctor or a fertility specialist about the benefits of using identified gamete donors. They can help you understand the options available to you and make the best decision for your family.

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